Ok, im going to talk about preps for raiding. There really inst much to this and is relatively simple and easy for our class, But one thing i feel i should stress is.. STR not AP!!! Will get back to why later.
As our main ability is Bloodthirst and is our most commonly used attack, we need to increase our STR ( Strengh ) as much as possible with out nurfing any other stats as Bloodthirst is highly based on our AP. So why dont we just increase our AP instead of our STR, well the answerer to that is rather simple. Blessing of kings increases our stats by 10% and being that your in a raid you should be receiving that blessing. The 10% increase from Blessing of kings increases our STR but not our AP , We warriors get 2 attack power for 1 STR.. see where im going with this? With kings we would gain a better over all attack power increase.
We can still boost this by a fair amount by using 2 other Prep items. Roasted Clefthoof ( Increase strength by 20 ) And Elixir of Major Strength ( Increase strength by 35 ).
So in short, Increase your Strength along with Blessing of Kings is in 99% cases a sound way to prep yourself.
Other preps you can use are Adamantite Sharpening Stone /Adamantite Weightstone, these increase weapon damage by 12 and critical strike rating by 14 , Now be carefull with these, if you have a shammy in your group set up and he is dropping windfury totem, dont apply any of these sharpening stones to your main hand weapon, if you do you will lose your main hand windfury.
These are what i consider to be the main preps for a raiding fury warrior and are of my own personal experience what i found best for me. There are many other preps out there than can increase other aspect of your stats such as, Elixir of Major Agility , Flask of Relentless Assault , Elixir of Mastery and Spicy Hot Talbuk.
Now i have to say this but if your packing bits of haste gear and doing one of them boss's that you need to go all out on... make sure you get ya self some of these..Haste Potion , Increasing your haste rating by 400.
Now giving that you have all the right buffs : Blessing of kings, Blessing of salvation, Blessing of attack power, Mark of the wild, Fortitude, and all your preps along with a great group set up, ferolol Druid Enhancement shammy at least, You should increase your over all DPS quite a bit.
Hope this helps in some way.