Thursday, 4 September 2008

Beta news

Blue post:

- Intensify Rage and Precision swapped locations.
- Enrage now increases damage done by 3/6/9/12/15%, limitation on number of attacks removed.
- Improved Whirlwind now increases damage of Whirlwind by 10/20%, no longer reduces cooldown.
- Furious Attacks changed to use PPM (procs per minute) to make it trigger at the same rate regardless of weapon speed. Note that dual-wielding and haste still improve your chances.
- Titan’s Grip still needs a counterbalancing element, but what it will entail and how severe it will be is still being evaluated.

Some of this interests me, the Intensify rage and Precision swapping locations makes sense to me, being the Arms tree is strong as it stands, being able to spec for a faster CD on Deahwish and Recklessness would of properly made Arms way over powered for arena. As for the Enrage damage reduction.. well being that i wont be spec for Enrage i guess im not to bothered about it, but i do know that its a vital buff for any PvP arms or PvP fury warrior and im upset to see it nurfed ... again ( any one remeber the days when it gave 50% damage increase ) so from way back when it had 50% damage increase, it has now come to 15% max. But on the other hand once you are Enraged you can regen 30% of your total health for 10 seconds, this will consume your Enrage buff though, This will be strong in any PvP inviorment.

Blue post :

General - Enraged Assault redesigned, now Enraged Regeneration: You regenerate 30% of your total health over 10 sec. This ability consumes all Enrage effects and prevents any from affecting you for the full duration. Must be enraged to use. Cost 15 rage, 3 min cooldown.

Do you feel this partnership with Enraged Assault and Enrage is better than the previous ordinary Enrage ?

The improved Wirlwind change to increase damage done is nice no doubt but will mess the commen fury rotation, i doubt this will be a high price to pay over time on a long fight but rather more of an overall damage outage. As for Furious attacks, well lets be honist we couldnt expect it to stay how it was and i still feel there will be even more changes to come for it.

Now here comes my main and one and only concern at the moment. Titans grip is due for a change, and not for the better. Well can i ask bluntly "Why"?
Why change it, i dont feel it deserves a nurf. And in all fairness i cant understand why people are calling for a nurf. They feel threatend by the fact that some one in plate is running around dual wielding x2 twohanded weapons.
Take a step back and actualy have a think about this. First of all its a 51 point talent so its saposed to be dam good. Second, you people calling for nurfs and Devs included do realize that 2 handed weps aint exacly fast right? anything from 3.50 to 4:00 in rare cases. So its gona take time to swing them buggers! and with the chances to miss any and what little white damage we do ( granted most damage is from abilitys ) will be low, oh and dont forget.. no more windfury!!! its being replaced by haste, not alot of haste at that. Not enough to benafit as much as windfury did any way.

If Titans grip is to be changed in some way, Don't touch the damage it will produce or add a speed penalty but rather somthing more suttel, Some one on the forums come up with an idea that i thought seemed fair, Give Titans grip a +Hit penalty, So we, just like rogues would have to focus more on gaining pluse hit rather than just AP and Crit. We can focus more on stat balance and in all fariness i feel it would make the fury tree more interesting this way.

Other blue post info can be found here


1 comment:

70TW said...

From what I have seen, Fury has been getting a little bit of love during the Wrath testing phase and it looks quite promising for when it is released. I also believe that Enraged Assault will be very good for Fury Warriors in those 'oshit!' moments.