Thursday, 18 September 2008

Beta news / Heroic leap Removed...

Blue post =

-- After a long absence, Tactical Mastery returns to tier 2 Arms. Improved Thunder Clap sent packing to tier 1 Protection.
-- Justified Killing removed.
-- Blood Frenzy gets a 3/6% speed buff.
-- Trauma can now be procc'ed by specials in addition to normal swings.
-- Improved Mortal Strike reduced to 3 ranks. Increases damage 3/6/9% and reduces cooldown by 0.3 / 0.6 / 1.
-- Bloodthirst requires a weapon. Just a cosmetic change to make it clear that it's affected by TG's hit penalty.
-- Armored to the Teeth -- tier 1 Fury so everyone can get it. Converts 400 armor into 1/2/3 Strength. Sir, I need you to drop the rogue leather and step away.
-- We had to cut Heroic Leap. Increasingly we were just spending too much of our development time trying to resolve all of the bugs and edge cases of the talent, many relating to getting to bad places in the game (often on accident). Replaced with Heroic Fury removes all immobilization effects and refreshes the cooldown on Intercept. 45 sec cooldown.
-- Unending Fury lowers the cost of Slam, Whirlwind and Bloodthrist by 1 per rank.

Tactical Mastery back in Arms tree.. bout time, imo they never should of moved it in the first place. Now that its made clear that bloodthirst is affected by the Titans grip hit penalty, will really show us that TG will not be effect at level 70, The hit amount that will be required is on par with rogues as they are now if not more. To compensate other stats to gain enough hit to keep Bloodthirst within our rotation and to maintain good enough hit to use it is to much of a lose for our other stats. In short TG wont be that great at level 70 but how good at 80? that question still remains. Would go on PTR to test my self, but a que of over 2000 people when trying to log in and no mobs to kill becuase there being made extinct by every other PTR tester, I think ill rather just wait! Bloodfrenzy speed buff is .. well good from the Fury V Arms point of view but i hope it doesnt mean Arms warrior will no longer be raid viable. Armoured to the teeth sounds interesting indeed but after looking at some of the wrath plate gear and there total lack of +hit gear i fear i my have to be strutting around in leather to compensate for it.

now... the big thing that counts there...

Heroic leap replaced with...
Heroic Fury removes all immobilization effects and refreshes the cooldown on Intercept. 45 sec cooldown.
This is an enormous pvp viabilty check. Seriously this is amazing and being that im a massive fury fan when it comes to pvp... well.. woooot bout time! I can see many other peopel calling out for a nurf but $%&%& them! the object of a warrior is arm to arm combat and when half the time we cant be in range of any other class... it doesnt make us much of a warrior. This new talent is sure to fix that to some extent!

Fine the blue post and more info HERE



70TW said...

I'm quite annoyed at the Heroic Leap removal. Yeah it seems to be replaced by something better, by man that leap looked so awesome.

Friday Macfay said...

Kinda bummed about Heroic Leap as well. But not surprised. They managed to mostly "fix" a warrior's ability to Charge up the side of a cliff. OTH, they've never gotten Blink to work right, and line of sight is still terrible. Annoys me no end that casters and hunters can fire right through walls, columns, cliffs, towers, etc. Trying to break LoS is a gamble any time, and will likely end badly. Anyhoo, another ability along those lines is probably too much. Maybe they'll pull it out again after they get a chance to work on it some more.

Heroic Fury, though, sounds like all kinds of win! :D I'm just jealous it isn't in the Arms tree. hee hee!

QQ: They need to leave MS alone. Just leave it. No more. No touchy. Dammit.

Might actually take Armored to the Teeth. Giving it a serious look anyway.

More fun!
