Friday, 1 August 2008

Dual Wielding @ 80

I have been thinking allot about what the damage outage of Titan's grip dual wielding will be like. Not having a beta key my self i cant really say. And there is not any fact on the beta forums as of yet to how good this will be. Just speculation.
I thought about it allot and come up with some trains of thought.
- Will there be any haste gear at level 80?
- 20% speed reduction from 5/5 Titan's grip, is that enough?
- Does our auto swing white damage become really bad due to the speed penalty?

I cant really answer these questions but only speculate my self.
In all i do feel it all will become an overall better DPS improvement providing you spec Bloodsurge, and ofc 5/5 Flurry is going to be a must as much as it is now any way. On top of haste gear will the end result be tasty ?
I can really see the benefit of Bloodsurge giving us a 100% reduced swing time of our next slam.
But again like Flurry it will be crit reliant and only on Bloodthirst crits.
It remains to be seen. Let me know what you think.

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