I give a warrior an interview for the first time.
Warrior: Tamerlane
Guild: Modus Vivendis
Realm: Aerie Peak (EU)
Q) What is your played time on your warrior, is most of that time spent as fury ?
A) 161 days 8 hours, 116 days at level 70, Was prot until we killed Kael
Q) What content are you currently raiding ?
A) Sunwell, working on M'uru, should go down soon. Summer ftl
Q) In your opinion what is a good and feasible hit rating ?
A) Well, i never really had below 200 with my gear since i went fury (it was around the time we killed Illidan only) but, anything over 170 is good, wouldn't go below that.
Q) Can you give me an example of your best achieved DPS ?
A) WWS is gone, but i did 2.5k on Brutallus.
Q) Do you use any kind of skills/abilities rotation while fighting ? If so can you give a brief description of that rotation please
A) I use the "standard" rotation for fury, keeping Bloodthirst and Whirlwind on CD, prioritizing Bloodthirst if something gets messed up and they're both up at the same time, between i refresh my shout if its under 10 seconds and Rampage under 5-6 second. Since im the "Demo bitch" i throw that into the rotation also. Heroic strike, almost every other main hand hit since my gear allows it i can use Heroic strike. If my off hand crits i get more rage than i wasted on the Heroic strike. So its usually a high % of my damage.
Q) Haste or armour pen ? and why ?
A) Hmm, I'm not set on that part completely yet, haste sucked before Sunwell because it was itemized very badly on gear and you had to sacrifice allot of other stats to get abit of haste, but really starting to like haste with the gear its on. More haste = more Heroic strikes which isnt affected by hit = more DPS, more white hits = more rage for the Heroic strike and so on. Armour pen, I wouldn't go below ~1000 passive because its basically the best stat to stack until you get to the soft cap with all the debuffs available.
Q) Fast off hand or slow off hand ? and why ?
A) Umm, so far i like the slow, mainly because i like the "big" numbers for the off hand and i never really tried a fast off hand, dunno how it would work. I'll tell you when i get the chance to get the off hand Glaive :P
Q) What are your thoughts on the Wotlk fury talent tree ?
A) Titan's grip as it is now is utter crap, you would need insain amounts of hit and haste to get rage generation as it is now. The 51 pointers for all 3 trees are total fail, and the extra threat modifier talent should be replaced with removal of the damage penalty in Zerker stance because in sunwell EVERY fight has tons of damage flying around and warriors are most vulnerable to it, plus with the no stamina on Tier6 Sunwell pieces its bad.
Q) What would you like seen changed to warriors ?
A) First issue is itemization and threat scaling plus rage issues with to much gear. We all know you don't get any rage when you dodge or parry an attack or get missed, when that happans your only threat maker is the white damage you got because you don't have rage for anything els. Shield slam scales with block value, which is very rare on high end tanking gear and if there is any block value on gear, there is no dodge/parry. So you basically have to choose if you want to live easier/longer or keep aggro easier (that is DPS responsibility also, but thats another story) The value of hit and expertise for warrio threat is just to high, and in Sunwell they force warrios to take expertise and lose all the hit they got from BT and Hyjal. With the "new" taunt thats affected by melee hit, thats really bad since tuant resist on Brutallus usually means a dead tank = wipe. Anouther thing i dont understand, in general about warriors, why are shouts only 2 minutes? it can be a pain sometimes to reshout if you dont have rage or get a string of misses or whatnot. Increase the shout duration to say, 4 minutes woulnd'nt break the game, would'nt make us over powerd and would be a nice "relief". Rampage duration of 30 seconds is alos a joke, i mean it can already be used only after a crit, why make it so short? one minute would'nt break the game either and it would help focus on other things. Streaks of bad RNG (which i tend to get alot recently) can make you not crit for 15 seconds + , even with 40%+ raid buffed crit, making Rampage fall off and losing DPS. One more thing, Flurry. Why do we have to spend 5 points in Enrage which is uselss in PvE raiding (you get crit, your dead) to get the the lowest speed increase in the melee class's.
Shamans get 30% flurry, Rogues get 30% Slice 'n' Dice (35% with T6 bonus) and we get 25% with mandatory wasted 5 points, Basically Shammans 5% more for 5 less talent points and Rogues don't even have to spend talents to get it, which is unfair.
Q) Do you feel Death knights will be a threat to the DPS spot of warrios in a raids ?
A) I don't know what to think about DK's yet, havent really bothered reading about the stuff they get, and i didnt get a beta inv, so i dunno. BUT if talents stay as they are (which i hope they won't) we will have a hard time getting a raid spot over BF/trauma warriors.
Q) Do you use any fury related add ons ?
A) Only add on i use for help with my rotation is Power auras, which i made make a red "circle" and a white "circle" over my char with numbers remaining for Rampage and Battle shout.
Q) What is your favourite add on?
A) Favourite add on, id say xpearl. Cant raid with normal frames and xpearl is best from what i used so far and i got used to it.
Q) Die hard or Leathal weapon ? :P
A) Leathal weapon!
Q) How could i improve my blog? what would you like to see on there?
A) I personal don't like the dark back ground with the dark letters ( maybe its my gamma though :P ) And you could put in some futur add WWS part where poeple could put there reports , bragging and stuff like that.
Thats the end of my first ever interview. Thanks again Tamerlane for your time, Hope this was entertaining in some way and maby informative to!
Tamerlane armory link http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Aerie+Peak&n=Tamerlane
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