Friday 22 August 2008

Talents update WotlK

GAIS! new talents has been released for us warriors and there actually good!!!
you can find them here if you wish to look at them.
We now get a pvp talent in our fury tree! Furious attacks reduces healing done to the target! providing you spend the 2 talent points in it
Titans Grip has had its speed penalty removed!! shock gasp zomg omg!
Only sad news is that Bloodfrenzy still remains deep in the Arms tree. I fail to see how they made Fury viable for PvE.
Source: MMO champion and Azzer :P


Anonymous said...

We have a new Rampage! If you crit now no can activate it giving +5% crit during 10secs. to THE RAID.


Im sure that we will have a place at the raids now ^^

Congrats for the blog, its a really interesting one :D Cya!

Furbz said...

DOH ./slaps self on forhead!!!

Didnt notice that about rampage!!!!
thanks for that XD asounds amazing... Hope for fury warriors yet!